So, it’s been a long time…
Now I have two little boys and, although it’s hard for me to believe, the baby is already eating solid foods regularly. I know that he should be at eight months old, but can someone please tell me where the time went? If you think that time flies with one child, then don’t have another. I swear that it’s passing twice as fast now!
I’m obviously eight months post-partum and at this point with my first child I was already wearing my pre-baby clothes. I found that the weight did not come off quite as easily with my second. I’ve been depressed, upset, and just annoyed that I have to borrow clothes and nothing fits well. I hate getting dressed in the morning, especially for work, constantly feeling that my clothes are ill-fitting and I just look unprofessional.
I honestly started investigating diet pills, Weight Watchers, and various other options hoping for a quick fix. Of course, none of these provided that. Now it’s the middle of June and I had to buy a swimsuit that I wasn’t embarrassed being seen wearing. I am now beyond frustrated. I went back the all of those weight loss plans that promise results and debated which one I would try again. I factored expense first, but then started considering health risks. That’s when it finally hit me – if I am a healthy eater then the weight will take care of itself. Why hadn’t I thought of this earlier?
Here I am again. Back to my blog. Trying to dedicate myself and my family to a healthier lifestyle. I plan to do this very slowly this time. My thought is that if I make little changes periodically that stick, I will be better off than making big changes that will feel unattainable.
This time it’s not about baby food. Although I am ashamed to admit, I haven’t made any of #2’s food, but he has only eaten organic since birth. I would like to do more for him and I might incorporate some of that, but this time I want the changes to be bigger. I want my entire family to be affected. I want to further my research on all of the things that I know are slowly poisoning us, first on the list is high fructose corn syrup (I totally don’t buy those “corn sugar” and “in moderation” commercials). I want to make the majority of our food, including all of the “easy” things that we eat, like making and freezing burritos and meatballs and other grab and go foods. I want everyone in my house to be healthy, to feel healthy, and to get closer in this journey.
If anyone is still reading this and would like to join us or has any suggestions or tips, I want that, too! We all know how important communities are and these kinds of changes are difficult and need support.
I thought that I would start with food, but I’ve found that exercise has actually been easier to incorporate, so I am starting with that. Currently, I am using weights for about 15 minutes each morning (rotating between upper and lower body daily) and walking for 30 – 40 minutes over my lunch break (when I can, which I usually can, although this June heat is brutal right now).More research into our food to come. Until then, let’s get healthy!!
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